Chicano English
Cardi B's Casual Speech and Realness

In regular speech, Cardi B uses Chicano English and AAE features; she says when she speaks, she doesn't care about her accent, unlike when she sings.
Cardi B's authentic accent

Audiences applaud Cardi B for embracing Chicano English in her rap music. She also uses AAE features in a way that is typical for rap music.
Mock Spanish in the movie Friday

In this video, Chris Tucker is talking to his Hispanic friends and uses Spanish. This is an example of mock Spanish.
Chola Makeover

A group of cholas give two other woman a makeover using their styles of fashion and makeup.
Chola's Talk Chola Fashion

A few groups of cholas comment on chola fashion and the ways people outside of the group use their makeup and clothes styles.
Keye & Peele - Proud Thug

In this Key and Peele skit called “Proud Thug”, comedians Michael Keegan-Key and Jordan Peele portray stereotypical Hispanic gangsters. They use terms like “holmes”, “homie” and “esé” to refer to each other. On top of the heavy Spanish accents, they use some broken English, double negatives, slang, and a lot of cursing to communicate in a way that Hispanic “gangstas” are expected to.
Key and Peele Loco Gangsters

This is a video from the TV show Key and Peele called Loco Gangsters. Key and Peele act out a skit as perceived Latino males. They use a variety of linguistic techniques ranging from the ideologies believed to be associated with Spanish to mock Spanish.
Code Switching, Mock Spanish, and Kevin Hart

Kevin Hart is explaining what it's like to be in prison. He takes on numerous different forms and voices to show the different type of people in prison.
The linguistics of the East L.A. accent
A 2011 interview on Southern California Public radio about the East L.A. accent and Chicano English, with guest Carmen Fought.